How to Search The ITG Advertising Collection
In The Groove Music has over twelve thousand exclusive titles in our collection, ready to download and license for your media project. Here is a short tutorial on how to use our on-line search library.
From our home page – Click on the advertising button .
Let’s begin with a simple search using the buttons from the word grid:

Start with a genre – like “POP”. All the Genre buttons are shaded to the left . To narrow your search add keywords like “Energy”. The more keywords you use, the more refined your search will be.
Your search choices will appear below. For “pop” and “energy”- Notice the number of tracks available and the number showing in this screen. More appear as you scroll down. Starting with the first track ,“Powerball,” data for this track is now visible. The Red Circle number indicates alternate mixes for this track. The total running time is 2:14 and the song is 100 BPM. To listen, click the black triangle to the left of the track- to download hit the arrow pointing downward located to the left. It’s that simple.

For your first download, register an account -It takes a few seconds. Or Log-in with your password.
Now that you are set- let’s go back to our original search. Pop + Energy

Remember the red circle? This shows alternative mixes for this song. Click on this circle for more versions: instrumentals, cut-downs, various mixes, and sometimes stems.
Hit Play. Download from the play bar or again use the down arrow next to the track title.

Create a playlist or download a group. The star adds to a favorites tab. To start a playlist, click the music note with the plus sign. The track goes into a playlist that can be saved and downloaded.

Search by “BEATS PER MINUTE,” or duration (length of track.) You can refine your search with this tool. To save, click the red save button. These requests will apply to your searches, or hit “RESET” to clear.

Another tool to use is the “Main Only” slider. By switching this to “All Versions,” you can see more alternate mixes that match your search, rather than having them tucked into the red circles. You can also sort by newest to oldest releases under “SORT.”

In The Groove Music publishes in small releases. If you hear a song you dig, and want to hear more like it, check out the rest of the songs in that release. In the middle column click on “Album Title,” and a new window opens for that release. Click the back arrow to return to original search.

Some folks search by reading descriptions of songs. Click the three bars just under the word grid to the right. This provides a written description about each track. To expand, click the third bar to reveal the publishing and tagged descriptions (these are also clickable links.)

If your desired search does not have a button in the word grid, try typing in your own description. Each track has a large amount of meta-data attached.
And if you can’t find what you need, prefer a custom search, require stems, or music edit – contact our staff. Go to the upper right. We never charge for a search. 95% of our collection has stems. Just ask!
ITG adds new music to our catalogue weekley and we are constantly making improvements that give you better search results. We hope you will find this to be a meaningful tool and we look forward to being part of your next soundtrack.

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625 2nd Avenue South Suite 102
Minneapolis, MN 55402